February 17, 2011
The Apostle Paul shows the Philippians, by his own experience, how the greatness of Christ transforms our reactions and aspirations in the face of suffering for the gospel.
February 8, 2011
Jesus surprises and encourages his disciples with the proclamation that they and by extension we, are the light of the world.
December 1, 2010
The introductory lecture in the faculty series on the Book of Hebrews.
November 30, 2010
The teaching of Jesus on the proper relationship of disciples to worldly possessions in light of the Kingdom of God.
November 23, 2010
The author of Hebrews emphasizes the radical transcendence of God speaking through His Son who shares all of the divine attributes.
November 18, 2010
A major problem the author of the Book of Hebrews addresses is a lack of Christian maturity.
November 16, 2010
What it means to rejoice as a Reformed Christian.
November 11, 2010
The Apostle Paul's words to Timothy have an enduring significance for ministers in every generation.
November 10, 2010
Encouragement and advice for those studying to enter pastoral ministry.
November 9, 2010
The importance of endurance in the life of the Christian.
November 5, 2010
The preeminence of Christ undergirds our lives no matter our earthly circumstances.
November 2, 2010
It is possible to work so hard at studying the Word that we miss the primary apostolic application of Scripture, that it is to work and have an affect in us.
November 1, 2010
A biblical and theological defense of prison ministry.
October 27, 2010
The purpose, worth, and benefits of the Servant of the Lord.
October 22, 2010
The importance of honoring the leaders who God has placed over his people.
October 20, 2010
Isaiah 53:7-9 is a prophetic summary of the life of Christ from life to death.
October 15, 2010
An exhortation to not harden one's heart in light of various dangers that arise in the life of the Christian.
October 8, 2010
An analysis of the Reformed doctrine of Perseverance of the Saints in light of Hebrews 6.
October 6, 2010
Dr. W. Robert Godfrey is presented with a festschrift dedicated to him on the occasion of his 65th birthday.
October 1, 2010
The “glory days” of the Christian are found in Christ and his work.