Morning Devotions

Spiritual Dehydration

December 6, 2013

Jesus is the Living Water for our spiritual dehydration.


Jesus – Lord of the Belly, Bread, and Banquet

November 15, 2013

Jesus has come to take our emptiness and fill it up with the bread of life.


Mark: the Spiritual “Eye” Doctor

November 15, 2013

Mark tries to get us from partial to full sight in order to see Jesus more clearly.


The Maker, The Woman, and the Miracle

November 8, 2013

The first sign of Jesus, pointing us to the Messiah


The Prayer of Exhaustion

November 8, 2013

Rev. Godfrey's exposition of Psalm 61


O Death, Where Is Thy Sting?

November 4, 2013

O Death, Where Is Thy Sting?


Enlightened and Enlivened

November 4, 2013

Enlightened and Enlivened by our Advocate with the Father


Testimony and the Call to Believe

November 4, 2013

The testimony concerning Jesus Christ and his work within us


From Darkness Into the Light

November 4, 2013

If the light in you is darkness, how great is that darkness?


The Resurrection Power at Work Within Us

October 22, 2013

The resurrection of Jesus motivates and empowers those who believe in Him.


Receive the Water of Life

October 22, 2013

We must continue to receive the water of Life from our Lord Jesus Christ through faith.


Sheep in Need of a Shepherd

October 4, 2013

As under-shepherds of God's flock we need to be “all-in.”


Concerning the Word of Life

October 4, 2013

Christ alone is our assurance of salvation


In the Begining was the Logos…

September 27, 2013

In the Beginning was the Word….


Finishing Strong

September 27, 2013

We are called to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ and to look to him for the strength to finish strong the race set out before us.


John 1:29

September 23, 2013

The life-giving Word of the Gospel delivers us from the bondage of sin.


1 John 1:1-4

September 23, 2013

Those who belong to Jesus Christ are given assurance  .


John 1:1,14-18

September 23, 2013

Our vocations and activities in life are meant to bring us closer to Jesus Christ.


Exodus 5

September 23, 2013

Exodus 5 us shows that in our weekness the strength for our Savior is magnified.


Psalm 119:33-40

April 12, 2013

The Psalmist teaches us the importance of the believer to continually pray for our hearts, minds, and souls.
