Morning Devotions

Momentary Affliction, Eternal Glory

April 28, 2016

To those who are weary and tired, Paul exhorts them to “not lose heart.”  How is this possible?  While the afflictions are momentary, eternal glory awaits for those who are in Christ. 


The Unmaking of a Man of God

April 26, 2016

 God makes faithful ministers through prayer, study, and suffering. Over the years he purposes to diminish our self-confidence and bring us into greater dependence on grace. The ever increasing discovery of our weakness makes us increasingly effective shepherds of God's flock.


Incomprehensible Love

April 21, 2016

God's incomprehensible love means we should stand in awe of who he is.


A Merciful, Public, Integral Ministry

April 19, 2016

The Apostle Paul's defense of his ministry against the accusations of the self-described “super apostles” and other critics is instructive for ministers young and old. In contrast to theirs, his ministry began with God's mercy to sinners in Christ, was conducted in the open for all to see, and unlike his critics, his preaching and life were consistent.


How Great is their Darkness

April 14, 2016

In 2 Cor 4:3–6, Paul asserts the deadly work of Satan on unbelievers blinding them to the glory and life-giving light of Christ in his gospel which believers know and which shapes his ministry.


The Five-fold chain

April 12, 2016

 As Paul encourages Timothy to press on in his ministry, he describes the Gospel and its spread. It is all the work of God, and yet the Lord's servants play a crucial role. 


The Temptation of Jesus

April 5, 2016

Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness replicated key moments of human faithlessness. Where others—like Adam, Israel, and you and me—failed, he remained faithful. 


The High Cost Of Being A Disciple

March 15, 2016

Jesus makes clear to three would-be disciples that following Him means self-denial, suffering, and sacrifice.


Destroying Strongholds

March 10, 2016

The word of God has the power to destroy strongholds of the world through the gospel. It will accomplish the ends for which God has set it forth.


The Frontend of an Arduous Journey

March 8, 2016

Our faith is inflamed with the beauty, the truth, and the goodness of the gospel. 


Letter & Spirit

March 3, 2016

Dr. Michael Horton exposits 2 Cor. 3, in particular to those seeking to go into pastoral ministry. He shows from this text that pastors are a “letter of recommendation” from Jesus as ministers of the New Covenant. 


Is It All Worth It?

March 1, 2016

A life invested in, and devoted to, Jesus  matters because of the resurrection.


Going Black and White

March 1, 2016

Paul exhorts the Corinthian believers to live according to their New Covenant status by portraying the world in absolute contrasts.



March 1, 2016

At the end of 2 Corinthians Paul proclaims a fitting benediction upon his readers.


Greatness Redefined

March 1, 2016

Obsessed with success and power, the disciples are confronted with Jesus' radical definition of greatness.


Ministry of Death

March 1, 2016

How can Paul characterize the letter (the law) being a ministration of death, but the Spirit giving life when he speaks elsewhere of the law in such a positive manner?


Seeing Jesus Clearly

March 1, 2016

 The story of Jesus healing the blind man (in Mark 8) is surprising in many ways. It is also revealing how difficult it is to see Jesus clearly.


From Age to Age the Same

January 8, 2016

Hebrews shows us that Psalm 102:25-27 reveals the eternal permanence of God's Son, our Savior, Jesus.


Living By Faith, Not By Sight

December 18, 2015

Our nature is to do what is right in our own eyes, but the book of Judges directs us to look to  the King of Kings. A king whom we don't see today, but whom we are called to trust in faith.


Enthroned in Heaven

December 18, 2015

 Jesus, our priest-king, is seated in Heaven.
