Morning Devotions

The Con of Faith

November 8, 2018

Amid the dysfunctionality of the covenant family, the Lord preserves a seed of faith within Jacob’s art of deception to make him the an heir of the promise.  


The Sale of the Savior

November 1, 2018

The Lord revealed to Joseph that the Lord was going to use him in a marvelous way, that he would be a savior of sorts, but between the time he innocently went looking for his brothers in Dothan and the fulfillment of the dream there was much humiliation and danger to be endured as the Lord prepared him for that great act of deliverance.


The Christian and Technology – Part 4

October 30, 2018

Who sets the agenda for our lives and for the church? Personal interaction and ultimately God’s word should set the agenda, not the revenue-driven Internet.


A Tale of Two Appeals

October 25, 2018

In the appeals of Judah, we see a picture of person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Knowing Your Own Heart: The Freedom of Self-Examination

October 23, 2018

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus calls his disciples to be the kind of people who develop an awareness of sin in their own hearts in order to be of greater service to others in the gospel. The practice of self-examination is grounded in gospel freedom and is done for the sake of neighbor love.


Moses’ Greatest Fear

October 18, 2018

Despite God's amazing call to lead one of the greatest rescue missions ever, Moses says “no” to God five times. Like most people in Exodus, Moses wrestles with his own form of spiritual slavery — a fear that is greater than his faith in God.


The Christian and Technology – Part 3

October 16, 2018

Who sets the agenda for our lives and for the church? Personal interaction and ultimately God’s word should set the agenda, not the revenue-driven Internet.


The Faith of the Matriarch Tamar

October 11, 2018

Genesis 38 vividly portrays the power of sin among Jacob's descendants as Judah falls deep and deeper into sin. Tamar, by contrast, demonstrates her faith in God's promises to Abraham's seed through desperately clinging to her position as matriarch of Judah's heir, and she sees God's blessing through the unusual birth of her twin sons. 


Sarah by Faith

October 4, 2018

Sarah displayed persevering faith in the God who made promises to her through her actions.


Revelation 8:1-5

October 2, 2018

Rev. Matt Eusey exorts from Rev. 8:1-5


Sojourning before Pagans

September 27, 2018

1 Peter 2 proclaims Christians the new people of God, and exhorts them to live accordingly as sojourners and exiles, with exemplary lives before unbelievers. Genesis 20 shows how the original sojourner, Abraham, failed to do this, yet also displays God’s common grace.


The Christian and Technology – Part 2

September 25, 2018

Who sets the agenda for our lives and for the church? Personal interaction and ultimately God’s word should set the agenda, not the revenue-driven Internet.


Jacob’s Ladder and the Gospel

September 20, 2018

Like his grandfather Abraham, Jacob has nothing in his waking world to guarantee his role as promise-receiver and promise-bearer.  Yet God interrupts his scheming and shame to introduce him to his new world of the gospel.


A Good Friend

September 18, 2018

The special friendship between Jonathan and David is well known.  It's the type of friendship we all long for and will need especially as people entering into pastoral ministry.  

We'll look at 3 specific aspects that made their friendship so special: common passion, vulnerability/transparency, and commitment.


Genesis 22 – Abraham’s Faith

September 13, 2018

Dr. Estelle looks at Gen. 22 and explores the exact nature of Abraham’s faith as seen in this passage and Christ as the ultimate answer to his “problem.”


The Christian and Technology – Part 1

September 11, 2018

Dr. Fesko begins a series on “The Christian & Technology.”  As common as it is to use screens, have they become a new American idol? 


Opening Convocation – Fall 2018

September 6, 2018

WSC President Joel Kim's opening convocation of the Fall 2018 semester, titled, “Seminary in a Global Age.”


Commencement Address 2018

May 26, 2018

W. Robert Godfrey, President Emeritus of Westminster Seminary California, delivers the 2018 commencement address. On May 26,  2018, WSC sent forth 26 students to serve as pastors, teachers, missionaries, and leaders for the church and for the world. 


President’s Chapel

May 10, 2018

WSC President Joel Kim's closing chapel devotion of the Spring 2018 semester. 


Forgiven, Redeemed, and Justified.

May 8, 2018

We are all sinners. But Christ suffered for our sins and has redeemed us with his precious blood. 
