Morning Devotions

True Freedom (John 8:31-36)

September 26, 2024

Living in the joy of the Son setting you free.

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Who is like our God? (Micah 7:18-20)

September 24, 2024

In our passage Micah extols our incomparable God for his wondrous grace in forgiving us all of our sins and casting them all into the depths of the sea.

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Psalm 8 | Dr. Joshua Van Ee

September 19, 2024

Psalm 8 contains the reflections of the psalmist upon the night sky. At the beginning and end, he speaks about the glory of God.

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Ministry: Sometimes Lonely, Always Lovely (Philippians 2:19-24)

September 17, 2024

A brief reflection on the challenge of loneliness in pastoral ministry and the blessing of sharing in Christ’s interests.

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Psalm 2: Raging Kings, The Promise, and Warning

September 12, 2024

Dr. Clark commences the WSC Fall Faculty series on the Psalms with a devotional from Psalm 2.

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Mixing Metaphors: Ephesians 2:19-22

September 10, 2024

Metaphors are powerful rhetorical tools, but mixing them can cause much confusion. This message considers a possible Biblical Theological rationale for Paul’s intermingling of household, temple and garden when describing God’s redeemed people in Ephesians 2:19-22.

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Abiding in the Almighty | Psalm 91

December 1, 2022

In times of distress, darkness, and hopelessness, the Psalmist exhorts believers to turn to the Lord and dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. God who is faithful will answer and will show his people His salvation.

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Colossians 1:24-29

November 29, 2022

As stewards of the gospel, Christians are called to share in Christ's afflictions in order to take His gospel to the nations.

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On Jordan’s Stormy Banks | Joshua 3:1-17

November 22, 2022

God led his people through the rushing Jordan River to demonstrate that his power and presence are more than sufficient to meet his people’s needs. We serve a God who takes a particular delight in ordaining difficult circumstances to serve as the perfect context in which he proves his unrivaled power on our behalf.  

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Living Faith | James 2:18-26

November 10, 2022

Saving faith is vindicated by Spirit-wrought good works.

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The Letter of James

November 8, 2022

Dr. Bitner reads through the letter of James in its entirety in this special morning devotion.

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The Compassion of the King | Luke 10:25-37

November 1, 2022

In the story we see the hopelessness of seeking salvation through the law and the beauty of salvation found in Jesus Christ. He is the merciful king who seeks, saves, and loves us.

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The Law of Liberty

October 27, 2022

James compares two forms of God’s law, the royal law that condemns us for just one sin and the law of liberty by which God shows us mercy. We who are under the latter law must speak and act mercifully.

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A Roadmap for Prayer | Psalm 61

October 25, 2022

Psalm 61 provides the believer a wonderful roadmap for prayer, bringing us back into the way of trusting God when we cry out for guidance, remember his faithfulness, and long for his presence.

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Salvation’s Crooked Path | Exodus 2:11-22

October 18, 2022

God is working all things for our salvation, but the path that gets us there is rarely that of least resistance. In Exodus 2, we find the crooked roadmap that prepares Moses to be the savior of Israel–prefiguring the cruciform itinerary that leads Christ to be the Savior of the world.

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You can’t have one without the other

October 13, 2022

James teaches how hearing God’s word and responding to it ought never be separated and how seeing and remembering who we are as sinners and objects of God’s grace draws the two together.

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Relating to Simon P

October 11, 2022

At the halfway point of my ministry career, Lord willing, I will reflect on a few hard lessons learned about ministry and myself as I relate to Simon P in the gospel of Luke.

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