September 1, 2009
Some of the most glaring distortions of Calvin?s ministry and doctrine are related to his understanding of the law.
January 24, 2009
Calvin clearly distinguished the Gospel itself from the marvelous benefits and vast effects it produced.
January 1, 2008
Because we are recipients of the Gospel, we can no longer offer a witness from a position of moral superiority.
January 14, 2007
A panel of WSC faculty answer questions related to the topic of the church being missional and Reformed.
January 12, 2007
An biblical-theological analysis of the Law-Gospel distinction from a Reformed perspective.
October 2, 2006
Once the Law’s legitimate claim against us is satisfied, the gospel and the law conspire together to give us both grace and direction for our Christian life, in relation to God and our neighbors.
January 30, 2004