
The Spirit of the Age

November 13, 2017

Office Hours talks with Dr. J.V. Fesko, Academic Dean, Professor of Systematic Theology and Historical Theology at WSC, about his new book, The Spirit of the Age: The 19th Century Debate Over the Holy Spirit and the Westminster Confession.


Soli Deo Gloria

October 31, 2017

“For those of us who belong to Christ, the idea that God glorifies himself and that all glory belongs to Him is actually really good news.”

Watch as Dr. VanDrunen talks about the importance of soli Deo gloria! You can check out the rest of our 5 Solas series on our website or mobile app.


Preview of the 2018 WSC Faculty Conference: The Bible – His Stories. Your Life.

October 30, 2017

Office Hours talks with Professor Joel Kim, President of Westminster Seminary California, about the 2018 Faculty Conference, “The Bible: His Stories. Your Life.”  


Sola Scriptura

October 26, 2017

“The Scriptures are the sole, final ruling authority for the Christian faith and the Christian life.”

Watch as Dr. R. Scott Clark explains the importance of sola scriptura. 


Solus Christus

October 18, 2017

“Everything that we need for our salvation has been accomplished by Christ alone.”

Dr. Horton continues our series on the 5 solas by explaining sola fide. Watch here or on our mobile app!


What Happened to the Reformation? Part 2

October 16, 2017

As we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this month, Dr. Clark begins a brief series looking at what happened to the Reformation in the modern period.


Sola Fide

October 11, 2017

“When we have timidity about going before the throne of God we can say and know that, no, Christ has secured my salvation and I lay hold of that by faith alone. By trusting exclusively in His work alone for my salvation.”

Dr. Fesko continues our series on the 5 solas by explaining sola fide. Watch here or on our mobile app!


Sola Gratia

October 4, 2017

Dr. Godfrey introduces our new mini series on the 5 Solas of the Reformation. Watch as he explains to us the necessity and importance of sola gratia.


What Happened to the Reformation? Part 1

October 2, 2017

As we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this month, Dr. Clark begins a brief series looking at what happened to the Reformation in the modern period.


Lutheran and Reformed

September 18, 2017

Office Hours talks to Dr. W. Robert Godfrey about the differences and commonalities between the Lutheran and Reformed traditions.


Aquinas Among the Protestants

September 4, 2017

Office Hours talks with Dr. David VanDrunen about the new book he co-edited, “Aquinas Among the Protestants.” 


A New President

August 21, 2017

Office Hours talks to Westminster Seminary California's new president, Rev. Joel E. Kim. 


Where Are They Now? Zach Keele

August 7, 2017

Office Hours talks to Rev. Zach Keel, pastor at Escondido Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Escondido, CA, about his time at seminary and his ministry afterward.


Enforcing Law & Preaching Grace

July 24, 2017

Office Hours talks to Westminster Seminary California graduate Daniel Garcia.


Where Are They Now? Chuck Tedrick

July 10, 2017

Office Hours talks to Rev. Chuck Tedrick about his time at seminary and his ministry afterwards.



June 26, 2017

Office Hours talks to Rev. Zack Eswine, professor, author, and pastor at Riverside Church in St. Louis, Missouri.


Where Are They Now? Bill Godfrey

June 12, 2017

Office Hours talks to Rev. Bill Godfrey, pastor at Grace United Reformed Church in Torrance, CA, about his time at seminary and his ministry afterwards.


Bob Looks Back

May 29, 2017

Office Hours talks to Dr. W. Robert Godfrey as he reflects on 43 years of ministry as a seminary professor, about the founding and growth of Westminster Seminary California and the future of pastoral ministry.


Parting Words

May 25, 2017

Before our 2017 graduates leave, we asked them to sit down with us and answer a few questions about their time at WSC and what advice they would give to incoming students. These are their Parting Words.


Kingdom of God

May 15, 2017

Office Hours talks to Dr. S.M. Baugh about his new book, “The Majesty on High: Introduction to the Kingdom of God in the New Testament.” 
