
The New Perspectives on Paul and the Federal Vision Movement

August 12, 2010

Guy Waters talks about the New Perspectives on Paul and the Federal Vision movement.


Cornelius Van Til: Father, Friend and Pastor

August 4, 2010

L. John Van Til, nephew of Reformed apologist and theologian Cornelius Van Til, talks about the latter’s life and ministry.


Missional and Reformed: Lloyd Kim Takes the Gospel to SE Asia

July 28, 2010

Missionary, NT scholar, and 1999 WSC graduate Dr Lloyd Kim talks about taking the gospel to SE Asia. 


Calvin500: Tributes to John Calvin

July 21, 2010

David Hall talks about the Calvin500 series, which he edited, and about the volume entitled Tributes to John Calvin.


To the Church in Smyrna: The Story of Fikret Bocek

July 7, 2010

Fikret Bocek tells the story of his conversion from Islam to Christianity, of his arrest, of the martyrdom of Turkish Christians, and of the establishment of a Reformed congregation in Turkey.


To the Jew First

June 21, 2010

Westminster Seminary California alumnus David Zadok talks about Reformed evangelism to the Jews in Israel.


Where Wisdom is Found

June 14, 2010

J. V. Fesko discusses his book on Ecclesiastes, Where Wisdom is Found: Christ in Ecclesiastes.


Meet Bryan Estelle

June 7, 2010

Bryan Estelle discusses his life, his work as an Old Testament scholar, and his love of mountain climbing.


Meet Dennis Johnson

May 3, 2010

Dennis Johnson, one of the original faculty members at WSC discusses how he came to the Reformed faith, the history of the institution, and training gospel ministers.


Meet Joshua Van Ee

April 5, 2010

Joshua Van Ee discusses being raised in the Reformed faith, his academic interests, and his experience of studying in Israel and of having done archaeological work in the Middle East.


What is Systematic Theology?

April 5, 2010

Michael Horton discusses his four-volume series exploring a covenantal approach to systematic theology in relation to a variety of contemporary questions in systematics.


The Doctrine of Scripture

March 15, 2010

A faculty panel explore the relationship between Westminster Seminary California and the doctrine of Scripture.


Meet J. V. Fesko

March 1, 2010

J. V. Fesko discusses his coming to the Reformed faith, his experience in pastoral ministry, and his passion for theological education.


Valiant for Truth: The 30 Year Legacy

February 15, 2010

Faculty and students reflect on Westminster Seminary California's legacy of being valiant for truth.


Justification: Understanding the Classic Reformed Doctrine

February 8, 2010

John Fesko discusses his landmark book on the doctrine of justification.


Meet Joel E. Kim

February 1, 2010

Joel Kim discusses his life in Korea, growing up in two cultures, his work as a pastor, his research into the history of interpretation of Romans 7, and more.


An Exposition on the Apostles’ Creed

January 26, 2010

R. Scott Clark discusses the series Classic Reformed Theology and particularly volume 2 of the series, An Exposition of the Apostles' Creed by Caspar Olevianus


The Gospel-Driven Life

January 18, 2010

Michael Horton discusses his book, The Gospel Driven Life: Being Good-News People in a Bad-News World.


Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms

January 6, 2010

David VanDrunen discusses his book, Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms: A Study in the Development of Reformed Social Thought.


Meet R. Scott Clark

January 4, 2010

R. Scott Clark discusses the role of church history in the Christian life, about the federal vision controversy, and about his book, Recovering the Reformed Confession.
