Hywel R. Jones Archive

Matthew 27:51, Colossians 1:13

March 25, 2008

The earth shaking at the sight of the Son of God crucified reveals the universal and cosmological implications of the atonement.


1 John 2:26-3:6

December 6, 2007

There is no greater matter that we know than that Jesus Christ appeared to take away sins yet in him there was no sin.


Christ in the Historical Books

November 30, 2007

The historical books of the OT all fold back on the deliverance of the people of God from Egypt under His rule and care.


John 19:25-37

October 9, 2007

When considering Christ's crucifixion we are to strive to avoid the two extremes of being too sentimental or too doctrinal.


Luke 23:32-43

September 25, 2007

 Jesus replies to the thief's requiest in abundant mercy and superlative blessing that the earth had not yet known.


Luke 13:6-9; 23:26-34

September 18, 2007

Even on the cross Jesus is in communion with his Father, revealing the profound and majestic inter-Trinitarian fellowship.


Isaiah 27:2-13

May 8, 2007

Isaiah prophecies in proleptic form that the hope for both Jew and Gentile resides in God's saving intervention fulfilled in Christ.


Isaiah 26:7-27:1

April 24, 2007

The prayer answered by the LORD in Isaiah 26 helps us to better understand the perseverance of the saints and the preservation of the saints.


Isaiah 26:1-5

April 10, 2007

A devotion on the song that will be sung when the LORD intervenes to save his people on that great and terrible day.


Isaiah 25:9-12

March 27, 2007

The telos of God's work will be good and just when everything that has been promised by the Father to his people through the merit of his Son and ministry of the Spirit will be completed and consummated.


Isaiah 24:21-23; Revelation 21:1-5, 10-11; 22:2-5

November 29, 2006

In Isaiah's revelation of the Day of the Lord it is the glory of the Lord of Hosts that is revealed before all.
