
As You Wish | Hebrews 12:28

August 30, 2021

In this devotional we explore what it means to pray for our Father's kingdom to come and his will to be done. We recognize that we are asking that the kingdom which Jesus inaugurated in his first coming will be consummated in his second coming. We are praying for our Father to grow us in grace and conform us to the image of Jesus in our affections, actions, and volitions. May we love and serve him and our neighbors faithfully and fruitfully through the Spirit.


The Priest Becomes the Sacrifice

October 15, 2020

The Old Covenant was a visible thing —  the priests, the altar, the animals and the blood.  The New Covenant is, in many ways, an invisible reality.  


Sarah by Faith

October 4, 2018

Sarah displayed persevering faith in the God who made promises to her through her actions.


Hebrews 12

September 5, 2016

Office Hours talks to Dr. S.M. Baugh, Professor of New Testament, about Hebrews 12 in the context of the Old Testament, New Testament, the book of Hebrews, and the original Greek text. 


From Age to Age the Same

January 8, 2016

Hebrews shows us that Psalm 102:25-27 reveals the eternal permanence of God's Son, our Savior, Jesus.


Enthroned in Heaven

December 18, 2015

 Jesus, our priest-king, is seated in Heaven.


Your Throne, O God, Is Forever

November 3, 2015

Jesus is the king who can be trusted to rule our lives and circumstances with absolute control, for he

would never succumb to power's corrupting influence.


God’s Angels, Spirit-Servants to the Son

October 22, 2015

Our hopes and lives can only rest secure in Jesus Christ the Son, who is “the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Heb. 13:8).


God’s Firstborn Heir, Worshiped by Angels

October 8, 2015

Jesus the Son is superior to angels because God the Father directed all his angels to worship the Son.



God’s Son, House Builder

September 25, 2015

God’s covenant promise to David, to build David’s “house” (dynasty) and establish David’s throne forever.


God’s Son, Heir of Everything

September 24, 2015

The prologue of Hebrews (1:1-4) concludes with the claim that the Son has inherited a name better than that of angels.


Jesus as Our King

May 19, 2015

We need to be thankful and worship Jesus Christ with reverence and awe.


To Be Near Him

April 24, 2015

Dr. Dennis Johnson dicusses our need to be near to God.


Who Jesus Is

April 18, 2015

Dr. Dennis Johnson looks at who Jesus is as revealed in Hebrews 1:1-4.


Finishing Strong

September 27, 2013

We are called to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ and to look to him for the strength to finish strong the race set out before us.


Hebrews 13: S. M. Baugh

June 10, 2013

The Season 4 series of Office Hours entitled “Jesus is Really Better” comes to an end with this episode.


Hebrews 11: S. M. Baugh

May 13, 2013

This episode features Dr. S. M. Baugh, Professor of New Testament, who takes us through Hebrews 11.


Hebrews 10: Dennis E. Johnson

April 29, 2013

This episode features Dr. Dennis E. Johnson, Professor of Practical Theology, who takes us through Hebrews 10.
