
Growing in the Grace of Our Lord

March 2, 2017

As Christians, Jesus has given us everything we need for life and godliness. 


Named and Desired

February 28, 2017

 In our task of theological education and preparation for the ministry we often sense a feeling of need, a desire for more.  


Why Should Women Study Theology?

February 24, 2017

Westminster Welcomes: Dr. Whitney Gamble, assistant professor of biblical and theological studies at Providence Christian College. Dr. Gamble answers the question, “Why should women study theology?”


Facing Race

February 20, 2017

Office Hours talks to Dr. Vincent Bacote about facing race in todays society. 


What I Didn’t Learn in Seminary

February 16, 2017

 Dr. Eswine exposited Ecclesiastes 9:13-16. First, we must learn to come alongside our congregation and show care and love for them in God’s grace as we apply the wisdom we learn from His creation and providence as Jesus exemplified. Secondly, we are called to become wise men ourselves and be content with being small and insignificant in the eyes of the world but known and loved by God.


The Westminster Assembly and the Challenges of Antinomianism

February 15, 2017

Women in Theology Lectures Series with Dr. Whitney Gamble. Dr. Gamble lectures on the Westminster Assembly and the Challenges of Antinomianism. 


Contending for the Faith

February 14, 2017

A closer look at Jude’s exhortation. He exhorts us to “keep” ourselves in the love of God, but all the while God is the one who “keeps” us. Our contending comes within the context of his keeping. We persevere because he preserves.


Johannes Cocceius

February 6, 2017

Office Hours talks to Dr. Casey Carmichael about his work producing the first English translation of “The Doctrine of the Covenant and Testament of God,” by Johannes Cocceius; a work that helped shape Reformed theology for centuries.


Where Are They Now? with Ted Hamilton

January 23, 2017

In this episode, Office Hours talks to Ted Hamilton about being in ministry since graduating from WSC. 


Minister by Faith, Not by Sight

November 29, 2016

Visible results cannot serve as the basis for our confidence in ministry, for they are often deceptive or delayed. Our confidence in ministry can only come from faith in the power and promises of God.


“Let the Children Come to Me”

November 15, 2016

Jesus teaches us important truths about how we must enter the kingdom of God, truths that his disciples had failed to grasp.


My Peace

November 1, 2016

The peace of God in His Son, Jesus Christ, surpasses understanding, says Paul in Philippians 4. 


Blessed to Preach the Gospel to the Nations

October 18, 2016

We often think of the struggles of ministry.  The Apostle Paul certainly had many. But we in ministry can be greatly encouraged by Eph 3:7 where Paul uses the word “grace” to describe the “blessing” that was given to him to preach the gospel to the nations.


Christ Our King

October 4, 2016

 The risen and enthroned Lord Jesus is the king over all of his creation; He is the sovereign who rules and reigns over all.  


Where Are They Now? with David Zadok

October 3, 2016

Office Hours talks to Rev. David Zadok, pastor at Grace & Truth, director of HaGefen Publishing, about his ministry in Israel. 


The Invitation to a Royal Wedding

September 27, 2016

The Reformed know that the Psalms teach the Faith and we delight in them.  


Beware of the Big Bad Wolf

September 13, 2016

As the gospel and God's great name was advancing to the Samaritans in Acts 8, Simon the Great was trying to advance his own name. 


Pastoral Ministry and the Grace of the Doctrines

August 22, 2016

Office Hours talks to Rev. CJ den Dulk, pastor at Trinity Christian Reformed Church in Sparta Michigan, about his time at Westminster Seminary California and pastoral ministry.


German Roots of American Reformed Theology

August 8, 2016

Office Hours talks with Dr. Annette Aubert, adjunct professor at Westminster Theological Seminary, about the German roots of American Reformed theology. 


The Westminster Assembly

July 25, 2016

Office Hours talks with Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn about the history and events surrounding the Westminster Assembly. 
