
Living Faith | James 2:18-26

November 10, 2022

Saving faith is vindicated by Spirit-wrought good works.


A Roadmap for Prayer | Psalm 61

October 25, 2022

Psalm 61 provides the believer a wonderful roadmap for prayer, bringing us back into the way of trusting God when we cry out for guidance, remember his faithfulness, and long for his presence.


Salvation’s Crooked Path | Exodus 2:11-22

October 18, 2022

God is working all things for our salvation, but the path that gets us there is rarely that of least resistance. In Exodus 2, we find the crooked roadmap that prepares Moses to be the savior of Israel–prefiguring the cruciform itinerary that leads Christ to be the Savior of the world.


Relating to Simon P

October 11, 2022

At the halfway point of my ministry career, Lord willing, I will reflect on a few hard lessons learned about ministry and myself as I relate to Simon P in the gospel of Luke.


God’s Love and His Lost Ones

February 15, 2022

It is God's love that compels His people to repent of their sins and return to Him.


Pandemic Pastoral Concerns

November 8, 2021

In this episode, Office Hours talks with Rev. Angelo Contreras, Pastor of Congregational Life at Escondido URC, about pastorally navigating the covid-19 pandemic.


Ventura Reformed

October 4, 2021

In this episode, Office Hours talks with Rev. Adam Kaloostian about his work at a new church plant in Ventura California.


The Spiritual Marriage between Christ and His Church and Every One of the Faithful

September 6, 2021

In this episode, Office Hours talks with Dr. Patrick O’Banion about his new translation of Girolama Zanchi's, “The Spiritual Marriage between Christ and His Church and Every One of the Faithful.”


Stay Dressed for Action and Keep your Lamps Burning | Isaiah 25:6-9 and Luke 12:35-38

August 30, 2021


Peace for Our Time | Psalm 29

August 30, 2021

Psalm 29 reminds us of the incomparable power of God, and how he makes peace by defeating his enemies.
