November 27, 2007
Prayer mediates the presence of God in our everyday pilgrim faith.
October 30, 2007
Jesus himself leads us into the storms of life.
October 2, 2007
Seminary is preparation for the unique calling of helping people know God, His Kingdom and their role in His Kingdom and Church.
August 31, 2007
A Reformed response to alternative Christian understandings of suffering and evil in light of the events of September 11, 2001.
March 15, 2007
If dependance upon God is the objective, than power often becomes an obstacle that leads to self-reliance.
March 14, 2007
A lecture on the life and preaching ministry of Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
March 13, 2007
If dependance upon God is the objective, than weakness is an advantage.
March 9, 2006
The duties of pastors are not limited to the Lord's Day, but include the day-to-day loving and caring for the souls of God's people.
March 8, 2006
An examination of the role of theology in the place and life of the pastor.
March 7, 2006
The challenges of pastoral ministry in the contemporary American church context.
May 24, 2005
An analysis of the church growth movement and the implications for our own philosophy of ministry and efforts in serving Christ and his church.
July 15, 2004
Dr. John Piper sets forth the argument that the center of the Reformed faith is the glory of God as supreme in the mind and the heart of God.
May 29, 2004
Central to the Apostle Paul's ministry is his laboring for the joy of other believers.
March 18, 2004
An introduction to the trends and main contributions in the historiography of covenant theology from the middle of the nineteenth century.
March 17, 2004
An adequate understanding of the cross of Christ must be understood as covenantal and Trinitarian.
March 16, 2004
Covenant Theology has been a major way in which the Gospel message and redemptive history has been learned, articulated, and inculcated in the Church.
March 14, 2002
It is necessary to gain the right kind of confidence in the Word of God and in preaching.
March 13, 2002
We are confident in preaching because it is the voice of Christ speaking to his church.
March 12, 2002
We must see ourselves and our role correctly in this great work – namely, as faithful servants.