Grace of God

You can’t have one without the other

October 13, 2022

James teaches how hearing God’s word and responding to it ought never be separated and how seeing and remembering who we are as sinners and objects of God’s grace draws the two together.


As You Wish | Hebrews 12:28

August 30, 2021

In this devotional we explore what it means to pray for our Father's kingdom to come and his will to be done. We recognize that we are asking that the kingdom which Jesus inaugurated in his first coming will be consummated in his second coming. We are praying for our Father to grow us in grace and conform us to the image of Jesus in our affections, actions, and volitions. May we love and serve him and our neighbors faithfully and fruitfully through the Spirit.


Hallowed Be Thy Name – The Lord’s Prayer | Genesis 11:1-9

August 30, 2021

This devotional explores the first petition of the Lord's Prayer, “Hallowed be your name.” When we make this request we are asking for God's grace to enable us to rightly honor the Lord for who he is, what has done, and what he is doing in and through us. We ask that what we think, do, and say will be informed by his words and works and directed towards his glory.


A Pagan Priest in the Presence of God | Exodus 18:10-22

February 11, 2021

This devotional will focus on the fact that God welcomes all kinds of people into his presence as he converts them by his grace.  Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, offers a splendid exam as God causes this pagan priest to make a beautiful profession of faith, followed by Jethro eating with the elders of Israel in the presence of God.  Who can’t God save?


Give Thanks | Isaiah 12:1-6

December 3, 2020

We are reminded by the Word always to give thanks.  No matter the circumstance, the Lord's grace and presence give us sufficient reasons for thanks.  


A Portrait in Thanksgiving | Luke 17:11-19

November 24, 2020

This devotional highlights Jesus' willingness and power to heal and to save. Furthermore, it reveals the heart of thanksgiving and praise which flows from a life touched by God's grace and mercy.


Psalm 130

November 10, 2020

Psalm 130 is a microcosm of the ordinary Christian life of guilt, grace, and gratitude.


Boasting Subverted, Boasting Inverted

September 17, 2020

All human boasting is subverted by the surprising grace of God's calling and election. The Christian's boasting is inverted, redirected away from ourselves toward the cruciform glory of Christ our Mediator.



Christ, Through Faith Alone

March 14, 2019

In Genesis 15 the LORD came to Abraham to make to him three promises: to be his shield, to give him a Seed, and to be his Savior and Abraham received the substance of the covenant of grace, Christ, through faith alone and Christ’s righteousness was credited to him for righteousness.


Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

November 29, 2018

The stories of the patriarchs are not always positive. In fact, much of what we find is the complete opposite. In this episode of Jacob's life, we come face to face with people, like us, who don't seek the grace they need, and don't deserve the grace they get.


Sojourning before Pagans

September 27, 2018

1 Peter 2 proclaims Christians the new people of God, and exhorts them to live accordingly as sojourners and exiles, with exemplary lives before unbelievers. Genesis 20 shows how the original sojourner, Abraham, failed to do this, yet also displays God’s common grace.


Grace For The Journey

April 26, 2018

Eph. 1:3-14 shows us the importance and necessity of relying upon and returning to the blessedness of God's grace over and over again throughout our ministry. 


Strengthened by Grace

March 22, 2018

In 2 Tim 2:1, Paul calls Timothy to a strength that can only come from the gracious realities of the gospel.


I AM the Bread of Life

February 15, 2018

Jesus’ “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John show us both our own spiritual neediness and his complete sufficiency as our Redeemer to meet our every need.


Opening Convocation – Spring 2018

February 6, 2018

WSC President Joel Kim's opening convocation of the Spring 2018 semester. 


Burdened by Grace

November 21, 2017

Christians are freed by grace from the Law’s yoke and curse. But this liberty is to be enjoyed not by pleasing ourselves but by serving each other in love.  


Sheer Grace

November 7, 2017

God's grace is better than anything else in the world.  It is a pure gift from God to sinners.  It is to be insisted upon and let loose in Christ's church, without hesitation, and to be enjoyed no matter what messiness such a good gift causes.


Transformed by Grace

October 31, 2017

Jesus Christ is a complete Savior, bringing us a comprehensive rescue from all the damage that our sin has done. 


United by Grace

October 17, 2017

 God’s grace in Christ not only heals the rift between guilty individuals and our holy Creator. It also breaks down the walls (race, gender, culture, language, etc.) that divide us from one another.  


Embraced by Grace

October 10, 2017

In the heart of his letter to the Galatians, Paul presents God’s glorious, gracious remedy to our alienation, guilt, and spiritual dehydration.
