Genesis 3 Archive

Genesis 3:21-24

May 12, 2009

The acts of God in clothing Adam and Eve and their subsequent extirpation from the garden are chiefly merciful acts.


Genesis 3:16-19

April 28, 2009

The act of Adam renaming his wife Eve is significant because it refers to something new in the redemptive purpose of God.


Genesis 3:14-15

March 31, 2009

The Lord responds to Adam and Eve's sin in justice and mercy, anticipating the cosmic battle between Messiah and Satan.


Genesis 3:8-13

March 3, 2009

Restoration and recovery can be attributed only to the intervention of God and only because he is the Lord God.


Genesis 2:8-3:6

November 18, 2008

Though our first parents embraced the distorted words of the serpent, God's Word comes with promises and freedom for his creatures.
