Faculty Bio Archive

Meet Bryan Estelle

June 7, 2010

Bryan Estelle discusses his life, his work as an Old Testament scholar, and his love of mountain climbing.


Meet Dennis Johnson

May 3, 2010

Dennis Johnson, one of the original faculty members at WSC discusses how he came to the Reformed faith, the history of the institution, and training gospel ministers.


Meet J. V. Fesko

March 1, 2010

J. V. Fesko discusses his coming to the Reformed faith, his experience in pastoral ministry, and his passion for theological education.


Meet Joel E. Kim

February 1, 2010

Joel Kim discusses his life in Korea, growing up in two cultures, his work as a pastor, his research into the history of interpretation of Romans 7, and more.


Meet R. Scott Clark

January 4, 2010

R. Scott Clark discusses the role of church history in the Christian life, about the federal vision controversy, and about his book, Recovering the Reformed Confession.


Meet Michael Horton

October 5, 2009

Michael Horton discusses his coming to the Reformed faith, what the gospel is, and about how the Christian life relates to the good news.


Meet Julius J. Kim

August 31, 2009

Julius Kim discusses the state of Christianity in Korea, mission, and the value of the Reformed faith for mission.
