
The Law and the Christian

January 14, 2007

The misuse of the law by Christians is a perennial problem down through the ages of church history.


The Law and Christ

January 14, 2007

The Law of God was endorsed, expounded, and embodied by Christ.


The Law of God in Our World

January 14, 2007

A theological and historical analysis of the second use of the law.


The Law and Pastoral Ministry

January 14, 2007

How the Law of God informs our understanding of how we help one another grow in Christ.


The Law and the Sabbath

January 13, 2007

A study of the nature of the Sabbath as both a creational institution and a re-creational institution built into both creation and redemption.


The Law and Laws: A Biblical Overview

January 12, 2007

The principle of periodicity helps us to rightly divide the Word of God.


Isaiah 24:21-23; Revelation 21:1-5, 10-11; 22:2-5

November 29, 2006

In Isaiah's revelation of the Day of the Lord it is the glory of the Lord of Hosts that is revealed before all.


Isaiah 24; 28.1-6

November 22, 2006

Isaiah presents for the reader a model response in light of the predicted final judgment.


Isaiah 24; 2 Pet 3.8-13

November 8, 2006

The picture of the Lord's judgment is intended to evoke a response from the reader, especially in light of our knowledge of Jesus the Messiah and his imminent second coming.


Isaiah 24:1-6

October 11, 2006

The end of the world is presented as a cataclysm that is world engulfing where everyone will know that it is from the hand of the Lord.


Isaiah 24; Revelation 18-19

September 27, 2006

Isaiah 24's vision of the end of the world is picked up and elaborated upon by the Apostle John in the Book of the Revelation.


Isaiah 24-27

September 13, 2006

The prophet Isaiah identifies two distinct cities with two distinct eschatological outcomes.


God’s Pure Word

September 1, 2006

Because the Word of God is the life of the church, there is a need for competent and faithful ministers of that Word.


Pastor as Shepherd

March 9, 2006

The duties of pastors are not limited to the Lord's Day, but include the day-to-day loving and caring for the souls of God's people.


Pastor as Theologian

March 8, 2006

An examination of the role of theology in the place and life of the pastor.


The Inner Life of the Pastor

March 7, 2006

The challenges of pastoral ministry in the contemporary American church context.


1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

November 25, 2005

The sexual ethics of our culture is primarily a theological issue, for when God is replaced by a "New God" this makes nearly all things permissible.
