Biblical Studies Archive

Divine Covenants and Moral Order

April 28, 2014

Office Hours talks with Dr. David M. VanDrunen about his latest book, Divine Covenants and Moral Order: A Biblical Theology of Natural Law.


The Resurrection Power at Work Within Us

October 22, 2013

The resurrection of Jesus motivates and empowers those who believe in Him.


Receive the Water of Life

October 22, 2013

We must continue to receive the water of Life from our Lord Jesus Christ through faith.


The Bible and Law

October 14, 2013

Office Hours talks with Dr. David M. VanDrunen about a recent volume he co-edited with Robert F. Cochran entitled Law and the Bible: Justice, Mercy and Legal Institutions.


The Definition of Sanctification

September 9, 2013

Office Hours kicks off with a new season entitled, “New Life in the Shadow of Death” by talking with Dr. David M. VanDrunen about the God who not only justifies, but also sanctifies.


Exodus 24:1-11

March 22, 2013

Exodus 24 is a difficult passages that illustrates some of the difficulties inherent in interpreting the Mosaic Covenant.
