
Mark 14:1-9

April 5, 2007

We are to identify with Jesus in his humility, suffering, and lowering of himself for our sake.


Mark 10:46-52

March 29, 2007

In Mark 5 we see the extraordinary power of faith that comes through ordinary people like a blind beggar.


Isaiah 25:9-12

March 27, 2007

The telos of God's work will be good and just when everything that has been promised by the Father to his people through the merit of his Son and ministry of the Spirit will be completed and consummated.


The Weakness of Power

March 15, 2007

If dependance upon God is the objective, than power often becomes an obstacle that leads to self-reliance.


Martyn Lloyd-Jones the Preacher

March 14, 2007

A lecture on the life and preaching ministry of Martyn Lloyd-Jones.


The Power of Weakness

March 13, 2007

If dependance upon God is the objective, than weakness is an advantage.


Isaiah 25:6-8

March 13, 2007

The fulfillment of God's promise of the seed of the woman is anticipated in the prophecy of Isaiah.


Mark 8:31-9:1

February 15, 2007

Jesus comes as a king unlike any other king proclaiming a kingdom unlike any other kingdom.


Thy Kingdom Come

February 13, 2007

Dr. S. M. Baugh argues that in order to understand the Kingdom of God you must begin with the consummation.


The Law of God and the Christian (Q&A Panel)

January 14, 2007

A panel of WSC faculty answer questions related to the topic of the church being missional and Reformed.


The Law and the Christian

January 14, 2007

The misuse of the law by Christians is a perennial problem down through the ages of church history.


The Law and Christ

January 14, 2007

The Law of God was endorsed, expounded, and embodied by Christ.


The Law of God in Our World

January 14, 2007

A theological and historical analysis of the second use of the law.


The Law and Pastoral Ministry

January 14, 2007

How the Law of God informs our understanding of how we help one another grow in Christ.


The Law and the Sabbath

January 13, 2007

A study of the nature of the Sabbath as both a creational institution and a re-creational institution built into both creation and redemption.
