Annual Conference

The Law and the Sabbath

January 13, 2007

A study of the nature of the Sabbath as both a creational institution and a re-creational institution built into both creation and redemption.


The Law and Laws: A Biblical Overview

January 12, 2007

The principle of periodicity helps us to rightly divide the Word of God.


Meeting God On His Terms (Q&A Session)

January 15, 2006

A panel of WSC faculty answer questions related to the topic of the means of grace that God has appointed for his people in worship.


Given for You: The Covenant Meal

January 15, 2006

What is the media that God has appointed for his people in worship?


Why Baptism, and What Does it Do?

January 15, 2006

A study of baptism and its benefits.


Christ Our Passover

January 15, 2006

How the Old Testament sacrament of passover points us to Christ and directs our worship today.


The Word Beyond the Sermon: Family Worship

January 15, 2006

There is nothing that can help your family and its’ spiritual health more than attending the means of grace every Lord’s Day.


The Word Beyond the Sermon: Liturgy

January 15, 2006

How the Regulative Principle of Worship must inform Reformed Liturgies.


The Word Beyond the Sermon: Ministry of Witness

January 15, 2006

How God conveys his saving grace through the Gospel outside the church’s formal worship services.


Why Baptize Infants?

January 14, 2006

A Reformed defense of the practice of infant baptism.


Participating in the Means of Grace

January 14, 2006

How sacramental occasions become times of blessing for Christians.


What Makes Something a Means of Grace?

January 14, 2006

God himself acts through his means of grace in our worship on the Lord’s Day.


Christ at the Center of Salvation

January 30, 2005

Christ is central to the procurement and application of redemption.


Christ at the Center of the Spirit’s Work

January 30, 2005

A re-examination of the Holy Spirit’s role in the Triune God’s work of redemption.


Christ at the Center of the Psalter

January 30, 2005

The psalter is a clear and abundant declaration of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.


Christ at the Center of Preaching

January 30, 2005

The person who can rightly preach Christ from the Scriptures can know himself to be a preacher.


Christ at the Center of Worship

January 29, 2005

Christ is at the center of our worship as the object of our worship.


Christ at the Center of the Church

January 28, 2005

A defense of the centrality of the church in the Christian life.


Christ at the Center of Theology

January 28, 2005

Reformed theology does not have a central dogma but at its best attempts to unfold naturally from the history of redemption as we find it in Scripture.


Sola Fide

January 31, 2004

A study of Calvin’s teaching on sola fide and its fidelity to the teaching contained in the Pauline epistles.
