Amazing Grace Archive

Burdened by Grace

November 21, 2017

Christians are freed by grace from the Law’s yoke and curse. But this liberty is to be enjoyed not by pleasing ourselves but by serving each other in love.  


United by Grace

October 17, 2017

 God’s grace in Christ not only heals the rift between guilty individuals and our holy Creator. It also breaks down the walls (race, gender, culture, language, etc.) that divide us from one another.  


Embraced by Grace

October 10, 2017

In the heart of his letter to the Galatians, Paul presents God’s glorious, gracious remedy to our alienation, guilt, and spiritual dehydration.


Unmasked by Grace

September 19, 2017

God’s grace, through the cross of Christ, unmasks us. The cross exposes our guilty secrets and the condemnation and lethal punishment that we deserve, leaving us nowhere to hide to preserve our “image.”  


Thirsty for Grace

September 5, 2017

As we celebrate the birth of the Protestant Reformation, 500 years ago this fall, that we will meditate on Galatians, which Luther called “my Katie von Bora,” in six Morning Devotions over the semester.  
