Prayer For Missions

The WSC Prayer for Missions Group meets together to orient the seminary community towards global missions and to entrust the global church to our good and loving Father, to Christ the head of the Church, and to the Spirit who is sent forth throughout the world.

We pray for the global church, missions, WSC alumni on the international mission field, and students who are headed toward missions.

Contact PFM

Meeting Information

From the early days of Westminster Seminary California, the mission of the school has been to prepare servants for Christ’s church and send them out to both local and international fields of service in the Kingdom. Our location is opportune for this mission—we are next-door to Central and South America and a stone’s throw away from Asia.

The WSC Prayer for Missions Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month, during the morning break (10:00–10:30am) in Classroom 1. For more info, please email [email protected].