Rita Cefalu

Class of 1996

MA in Theological Studies

Class of 1996

What work or ministries have you been involved with since graduation?

For fourteen years, I had the privilege of teaching theology and religious studies at the college and university levels. Presently, I am serving as scholar in residence and senior fellow for the Institute of Faith and Culture with Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church (2022–present). Here is the website: https://crpc.org/women/

Have you pursued/completed further education since graduation? If so, where?

Yes. I pursued a second master’s degree at Wheaton College in biblical exegesis (2004) and a Ph.D. in biblical theology (Old Testament emphasis) at Queen’s University Belfast (2016).

How has your seminary education been valuable in your current vocation (or any vocation since graduation)? Has it been valuable in ways you weren’t expecting?

Yes. Westminster in CA laid a strong Reformed theological foundation. Studying under G. K. Beale at Wheaton College helped to fill in the walls, and doctoral studies under T. D. Alexander at Queen’s University was truly the capstone. I wouldn’t have been able to make the most out of my educational journey apart from Westminster, for which I am truly grateful.

What would you say to a woman who is currently considering seminary education at WSC?

I would say that it provides an excellent starting point for developing a truly biblical worldview.