Eric Hausler

Class of 1989

Master of Divinity

Class of 1989

What work or ministries have you been involved with since graduation?

I was ordained after seminary and served in the PCA for 10 years, then the OPC called me to be a church planter first in Michigan (1998-2013) then in Naples, FL (2013 to present). For the last 10 years my wife and I have also served in leading the chaplain ministry of the Naples Jail Center.

How has your seminary education been valuable in your current vocation (or any vocation since graduation)? Has it been valuable in ways you weren’t expecting?

I see now how WSCal gave me the toolbox for a lifetime of service in the Lord’s church, beginning with a high view of the Scriptures as the Word of God.

What would you say to someone who is currently considering seminary education at WSC?

Definitely go to WSCal! You will find professors who love God, who love His Word, and who love the students who are seeking to be equipped to serve the Lord and His church.