Dianna Huston

Class of 2009

MA in Christian Studies

Class of 2009

What work or ministries have you been involved with since graduation?

I am involved in doing biblical counseling at my church. I use my seminary education every day helping others to think within a biblical framework.

Have you pursued/completed further education since graduation? If so, where?

Yes. Various certifications within the field of counseling (i.e. trauma, anxiety, etc.).

How has your seminary education been valuable in your current vocation (or any vocation since graduation)? Has it been valuable in ways you weren’t expecting?

So many counseling issues occur because of misaligned theological thinking. It’s a joy to help remind people of biblical truths.

What would you say to a woman who is currently considering seminary education at WSC?

I went to seminary hoping to learn how I could apply the rich theological truths to people in need, but what really happened was that I saw my need for my own growth in the deep and sweet graces of the gospel. I am continually blessed by the richness of the Word as it ministers to both of us in the counseling office!


Please note: The degree that Dianna received from WSC is not a degree program that is currently being offered. To see our current degree programs, please click here