Amy Warren

Class of 2022

MA in Historical Theology

Class of 2022

What work or ministries have you been involved with since graduation?

I’ve volunteered in a variety of roles in several churches post graduation. I was on staff at a church as a communications coordinator soon after graduating, then accepted a job at Crossway Good News Publishers in Wheaton, Illinois. I work in the Bible department as a project manager, and have also had opportunities to contribute to Study Bibles and devotional resources. As project manager, I make sure all of the Bibles and commentaries stay on track to meet their publication date. This includes helping select, invite and send out contracts to contributors, answering any questions the editors or contributors might have, accepting and organizing the completed assignments, and then guiding the writings through the editorial and production processes. At my current church in Wheaton, I volunteer in the women’s ministry department, the young adults ministry, as well as being a member on our church’s mission board.

How has your seminary education been valuable in your current vocation (or any vocation since graduation)? Has it been valuable in ways you weren’t expecting?

My seminary education is incredibly valuable and precious to me. Although the knowledge and information that I received may not help me in my day-to-day work (although you would be surprised how often William Blake comes up), the writing skills, research skills, and just the general wisdom I absorbed from being in the presence of so many talented theologians guides all my work. Even if I was not in the position I am in now, working in Christian publishing, I would say that the sanctification that the Lord brought about through both the challenging academic workload and the sweetness of the relationships with fellow students, staff, and faculty was beyond valuable and completely life-changing.

What would you say to someone who is currently considering seminary education at WSC?

Although attending seminary is a sacrifice, a sacrifice of time, energy, and finances, it is a sacrifice for Christ and his church. The church needs and benefits greatly from a saturation of educated theologians. We who are able to make this sacrifice are capable of being a great blessing to whatever church we find ourselves in post-graduation, even if you do not decide to pursue full time ministry. Many of us who have attended Westminster were unsure what the Lord was going to do with our education, but the truth is that as long as we are active members in a local church, one person’s seminary education can bless an entire congregation who were not able to attend seminary. So tolle lege!