Westminster Seminary California announces a new faculty opening in New Testament. This is a full-time, tenure-track position that begins July 1, 2020. Responsibilities focus on teaching MDiv and MA courses in New Testament and Greek. Qualifications include: (1) commitment to the seminary’s doctrinal standards (the Westminster Standards and the Three Forms of Unity) and to the Presbyterian form of church government; (2) a PhD degree in New Testament or related field; (3) ordination (or potential) as a minister in a Presbyterian or Reformed church; (4) pastoral experience (highly desired), and (5) evidence of promise as a teacher and scholar. Salary will depend on rank, to be determined on the basis of education and experience. For further information, contact Rev. Joel E. Kim, President, at [email protected]. Please submit your Curriculum Vitae by August 2, 2019. Click here to view job description