On March 19, President Kim will be speaking at the 2020 Ligonier National Conference in Orlando, FL, alongside others like W. Robert Godfrey, Alistair Begg, and Sinclair Ferguson. The theme of the conference is “Made in the Image of God” and President Kim's lecture is titled “Male and Female He Created Them.”
Male and Female He Created Them
Genesis 1:27 says not only that we are made in the image of God but that we are made male and female in the image of God. Both sexes reflect God’s image, and yet Scripture is also clear that men and women are not identical. Men and women have been called to distinct roles in the fulfillment of the dominion mandate that the Lord has given to humanity. This session will consider the reality of our being made male and female in the image of God, addressing the importance of this distinction and considering ways that our culture has perverted and confused this truth.