2024 Reformation Day Lecture & Fall SFAD

Join us October 25th, 2024 for a special joint campus event! Dr. Horton will be giving the annual Reformation Day Lecture entitled, “Let God be God!” in the Chapel at 10 am. The monk Martin Luther wasn’t looking for a gracious God but the real God.  This brought him first to deep despair that drove him to Christ in the gospel.  Today, especially younger people are expected to be their own creators, judges, and saviors.  Despite unprecedented material prosperity, anxiety and even suicide are through the roof.  Never has there been a greater need—and opportunity—to “let God be God.”

At the same time, we will also be hosting our Fall Seminary For A Day. Each semester, Westminster invites prospective students to visit campus and experience the life of a seminary student. Visiting campus in person is a vital part of the decision-making process for many prospective students, not only because they can experience the lovely weather in Escondido, but also because they can see the value of face-to-face education in action. Because we think seeing the campus in person is the best way to experience WSC, we offer a $500 travel grant to help get you here. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

If you are interested in seminary, or know someone who is, consider visiting campus yourself!

Register for SFAD Today!