James R. Lund

Library Director and Professor of Theological Bibliography

James R. Lund

Library Director and Professor of Theological Bibliography

Mr. Lund currently serves as Library Director and Adjunct Professor of Theological Bibliography. His education includes a BA from Northwestern College, an MA from Westminster Seminary California, and an MLIS from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Mr. Lund directed the library at WSC from 2001–2005. He returned to WSC after a stint administering library services for the cities of Northfield and Red Wing in Minnesota. Mr. Lund looks forward to the challenge of delivering library services in the ever-changing world of publishing and electronic delivery of information. He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Religious & Theological Information and is currently researching and writing on library administration, trends in library service, and the future utilization of information resources.

BA Northwestern College;
MA Westminster Seminary California;
MLIS University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

An Interview with James R. Lund