Bryan D. Estelle

Professor of Old Testament

Bryan D. Estelle

Professor of Old Testament

Dr. Estelle has taught at Westminster Seminary California since 2000. He is a minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Prior to taking his position at WSC, he was a pastor in an Orthodox Presbyterian congregation in Maryland and was involved in planting a church in Oregon for the Presbyterian Church in America. He lectured on Hebrew at The Catholic University between 1997 and 2000. He is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature, the Catholic Biblical Association, the National Association of Professors of Hebrew, and a fellow of the Institute of Biblical Religion. Dr. Estelle is the author of Salvation through Judgment and Mercy: The Gospel According to Jonah (P&R, 2005); Echoes of Exodus: Tracing a Biblical Motif (IVP, 2018); and The Primary Mission of the Church: Engaging or Transforming the World? (Mentor, 2022). He is presently working on a single-volume commentary on Proverbs and a three-volume commentary on the Psalms.

He has contributed essays to Covenant, Justification, and Pastoral Ministry: Essays by the Faculty of Westminster Seminary California (P&R, 2007); The Law Is Not of Faith: Essays on Works and Grace in the Mosaic Covenant (P&R, 2006; contributor and co-editor); and Children and the Lord’s Supper: Let A Man Examine Himself (Mentor, 2011). He has also contributed articles and reviews to Review of Biblical Literature, Unio cum Christo, The Biblical Historian, The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, The Confessional Presbyterian, Hebrew Studies, Maarav, Modern Reformation, New Horizons, Ordained Servant, Westminster Theological Journal, and Themelios. He was a contributor to and an Old Testament editor for the Reformation Study Bible (Ligonier Ministries, 2015). He is also a contributor to the Baker Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words (2023) and the open-access St. Andrews Encyclopedia of Theology.

Dr. Estelle and his wife, Lisa, have two sons and one daughter. He and his family enjoy outdoor pursuits.


BA University of Oregon;
MDiv Westminster Seminary California;
MA and PhD The Catholic University of America.

Other Affiliations

Society of Biblical Literature
Catholic Biblical Association
National Association of the Professors of Hebrew
Institute of Biblical Religion

What I Want to Instill in My Students
“Love of the gospel and love of Christ, that this is the only sufficient and satisfactory answer for changing peoples’ lives, because the gospel is, as Paul said, ‘the power of God unto salvation’ and there is nothing else to add. So if my students go out into the churches where they are called and they preach the gospel with crystal clarity and they magnify Christ and his penalty-paying substitution and his probation-keeping on our behalf, fulfilling all that the first Adam failed to do, then I’m happy.”

An Interview with Brian D. Estelle