Devotions and Lectures

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Acts 20:17-38

November 7, 2012

What it means to proclaim the whole counsel of God in light of the Apostle Paul's farewell speech to the Ephesian church in Acts 20.


Isaiah 55:10-13

October 30, 2012

The prophet Isaiah sets forth in poetic fashion the efficacy of the Word of God.


Exodus 25.8-16; 37:1-9

October 26, 2012

A study of Exodus 25-37 through the lens of God's separation from us and his gracious connecting with us through the Tabernacle.


Isaiah 55:6-9

October 24, 2012

Verses 6-9 of Isaiah 55 give us a clear direction as to how we are to set up a meeting between a sinner and the Savior in our preaching and in our witness.
