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Gospel-Driven Assurance – An Indispensable Pillar for Holiness

August 1, 2014

Dr. W. Robert Godfrey talks about Gospel-Driven Assurance – An Indispensable Pillar for Holiness, at the  Gospel-Driven Life Conference, a conference co-sponsored by WSC in 2008.


Gospel-Driven Life and Union with Christ

August 1, 2014

Dr. R. Scott Clark talks about Gospel-Driven Life and Union with Christ at the  Gospel-Driven Life Conference, a conference co-sponsored by WSC in 2008.


Gospel-Driven Hermeneutics – Distinguishing Law and Gospel

August 1, 2014

Dr. W. Robert Godfrey talks about Gospel-Driven Hermenueutics – Distinguishing Law and Gospel, at the  Gospel-Driven Life Conference, a conference co-sponsored by WSC in 2008.


Gospel-Driven Means of Grace

August 1, 2014

Dr. R. Scott Clark talks about the Gospel-Driven means of grace at the  Gospel-Driven Life Conference, a conference co-sponsored by WSC in 2008.


The Gospel Driven Life

August 1, 2014

Dr. Michael Horton talks about the Gospel-Driven Life at the  Gospel-Driven Life Conference, a conference co-sponsored by WSC in 2008.”


Reaching a Spanish-Speaking People in North America

July 28, 2014

Office Hours talks with Rev. Chris  Sandoval, a multi-cultural church planter and Alumni Relations Associate at Westminster Seminary California, about better understanding the Hispanic community and how that affects witnessing to them in the Reformed tradition. 


Ministry and Mission

July 7, 2014

Office Hours talks with Rev. Eric Hausler, graduate of Westminster Seminary California and Pastor of Naples Orthodox Presbyterian Church, about Ministry and Mission


Ancient Information Technology – Papyrus and Ink

June 13, 2014

God, in his providence, designed all the events of the first century Church so that various crises came up in churches when apostles couldn't get there soon enough, or in person. So they wrote letters.
