Devotions and Lectures

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Watch on YoutubeLetter & Spirit
March 3, 2016
Dr. Michael Horton exposits 2 Cor. 3, in particular to those seeking to go into pastoral ministry. He shows from this text that pastors are a “letter of recommendation” from Jesus as ministers of the New Covenant.
ListenIs It All Worth It?
March 1, 2016
A life invested in, and devoted to, Jesus matters because of the resurrection.
ListenGoing Black and White
March 1, 2016
Paul exhorts the Corinthian believers to live according to their New Covenant status by portraying the world in absolute contrasts.
March 1, 2016
At the end of 2 Corinthians Paul proclaims a fitting benediction upon his readers.
ListenGreatness Redefined
March 1, 2016
Obsessed with success and power, the disciples are confronted with Jesus' radical definition of greatness.
ListenMinistry of Death
March 1, 2016
How can Paul characterize the letter (the law) being a ministration of death, but the Spirit giving life when he speaks elsewhere of the law in such a positive manner?
ListenSeeing Jesus Clearly
March 1, 2016
The story of Jesus healing the blind man (in Mark 8) is surprising in many ways. It is also revealing how difficult it is to see Jesus clearly.
ListenTwo Kingdoms & Kuyper Dialogue
February 29, 2016
Dr. W. Robert Godfrey and Dr. David VanDrunen each give a brief lecture and then converse with one another on the subject of Two Kingdoms and Kuyper.
ListenThe Holy Spirit and Sancification
February 22, 2016
Office Hours talks to Dr. Dennis Johnson about the Holy Spirit's role in our sanctification.