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My Peace

November 1, 2016

The peace of God in His Son, Jesus Christ, surpasses understanding, says Paul in Philippians 4. 


Reformation 500 – Part 2

October 31, 2016

In this episode of Office Hours Dr. R. Scott Clark, Professor of Church History and Historical Theology, gives an overview of the events and theological thought that led to what we now understand as the Reformed Tradition. 


Spirit-filled Servants

October 25, 2016

The seven servants were qualified to care for widows’ material needs because Christ’s church discerned that they were “full of the Spirit and wisdom.”  


The Wisdom Gateway to the Psalter

October 20, 2016

Psalms 1 and 2 form a two-paneled door which opens on the riches of the Christian life illustrated in the Psalter. The only way into the truly happy life is through the door of wisdom, which is through Christ who is himself the Way and the Life. 



Blessed to Preach the Gospel to the Nations

October 18, 2016

We often think of the struggles of ministry.  The Apostle Paul certainly had many. But we in ministry can be greatly encouraged by Eph 3:7 where Paul uses the word “grace” to describe the “blessing” that was given to him to preach the gospel to the nations.


Reformation 500 – Part 1

October 17, 2016

In this episode of Office Hours Dr. R. Scott Clark, Professor of Church History and Historical Theology, gives an overview of some of the events and theological thought of the early and medieval church that lead to the Reformation.


God’s Righteous Wisdom

October 13, 2016

In Job 38 Yahweh accepts Job's challenge to justify himself on condition that Job can prove that he has standing to bring suit against Almighty God. 



Differentiating “Diakoniai”

October 11, 2016

The apostles’ response to the need of Greek-speaking widows in the Jerusalem church shows two truths that define how ministry must be done in Christ’s church.
