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Consider the Work of God.

March 23, 2017

To be happy in this life it's not enough to just do the standard things; we nust consider the work of God.


Seeking God with the Psalmist – 4

March 21, 2017

Westminster Seminary California President Dr. W. Robert Godfrey continues an 8-part devotional series titled, “Seeking God with the Psalmist.”


Death in Adam, Life in Christ

March 20, 2017

Office Hours talks to Dr. J.V. Fesko about his new book, “Death in Adam, Life in Christ: The Doctrine of Imputation.”


Trees and Their Fruit

March 16, 2017

Examining Matthew 7 in the light of its immediate context, we find that Jesus is contrasting the faithful teaching he brings with the false shepherds of Israel.


Elijah the Burnout

March 14, 2017

The Lord gives us rest when there is discouragment in ministry.


The Way of Wisdom in the Church

March 9, 2017

In this passage, Paul would have us realize that even truth, that is true knowledge, becomes folly if it is employed to accopmplish an end for which it is not adapted.


Seeking God with the Psalmist – 3

March 7, 2017

Westminster Seminary California President Dr. W. Robert Godfrey continues an 8-part devotional series titled, “Seeking God with the Psalmist.”


What’s in A Name? Sola Fide

March 6, 2017

Office Hours talks to Dr. Julius Kim about the Reformed doctrine of Sola Fide.


Growing in the Grace of Our Lord

March 2, 2017

As Christians, Jesus has given us everything we need for life and godliness. 
