Morning Devotions Office Hours Podcast den Dulk Lectures Annual Conference
September 7, 2017
Because Christ, the Son of Man, paralyzed sin and death for us, we must continue to trust him and bring others to his feet.
September 5, 2017
As we celebrate the birth of the Protestant Reformation, 500 years ago this fall, that we will meditate on Galatians, which Luther called “my Katie von Bora,” in six Morning Devotions over the semester.
September 4, 2017
Office Hours talks with Dr. David VanDrunen about the new book he co-edited, “Aquinas Among the Protestants.”
August 31, 2017
WSC President Joel Kim's opening convocation message entitled, “Becoming Less.”
August 21, 2017
Office Hours talks to Westminster Seminary California's new president, Rev. Joel E. Kim.
August 7, 2017
Office Hours talks to Rev. Zach Keel, pastor at Escondido Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Escondido, CA, about his time at seminary and his ministry afterward.
July 24, 2017
Office Hours talks to Westminster Seminary California graduate Daniel Garcia.
July 10, 2017
Office Hours talks to Rev. Chuck Tedrick about his time at seminary and his ministry afterwards.
June 26, 2017
Office Hours talks to Rev. Zack Eswine, professor, author, and pastor at Riverside Church in St. Louis, Missouri.