Devotions and Lectures

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United by Grace

October 17, 2017

 God’s grace in Christ not only heals the rift between guilty individuals and our holy Creator. It also breaks down the walls (race, gender, culture, language, etc.) that divide us from one another.  


What Happened to the Reformation? Part 2

October 16, 2017

As we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this month, Dr. Clark begins a brief series looking at what happened to the Reformation in the modern period.


How (Not) To Enter the Kingdom

October 12, 2017

Mark 10:13-52 presents four ways by which one might seek to enter the kingdom. Jesus instructs us to enter the kingdom as a child and as a blind man, but not as the rich or powerful.


Embraced by Grace

October 10, 2017

In the heart of his letter to the Galatians, Paul presents God’s glorious, gracious remedy to our alienation, guilt, and spiritual dehydration.


The Theology of the Camp of Israel: Numbers 1- 6

October 5, 2017

Dr. L. Michael Morales, professor of biblical studies at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and a teaching elder in the PCA, discusses the question of, “can draw a theology out of the camp of Israel in Numbers 1 – 6?” And, if so, how should we understand it in light of the rest of Scripture.


Wealth and Poverty

October 3, 2017

It has been said that fear and pride are the opposite sides of the same coin. 


What Happened to the Reformation? Part 1

October 2, 2017

As we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this month, Dr. Clark begins a brief series looking at what happened to the Reformation in the modern period.


Have You Considered My Servant?

September 26, 2017

The world offers us a mirror to see ourselves in an ever-changing reflection of what it tells us. In the prologue of Job, God gives us a window to see a never-changing image of how God sees us.
