Devotions and Lectures

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The Reformation: Then and Now

December 25, 2017

Office Hours talks with Dr. Michael Horton about the need for every generation of Christians to come together and witness to the treasures of the gospel.  


The Treasury of God’s Wisdom

December 11, 2017

Office Hours talks with Dr. Dennis Johnson about the new E-book he edited, “The Treasury of God's Wisdom.” 


The Inescapable God

November 30, 2017

The Psalmist reminds us that God is inescapable because he is everywhere and knows all things.   


The Camp of Israel

November 27, 2017

In this episode, Office Hours talks to Dr. L. Michael Morales about his journey into ministry and his work on the book of Numbers and the theology of the Camp of Israel.


Burdened by Grace

November 21, 2017

Christians are freed by grace from the Law’s yoke and curse. But this liberty is to be enjoyed not by pleasing ourselves but by serving each other in love.  


Beautiful Ministry

November 16, 2017

Would you ever use the word  “beautiful” to describe a church, a ministry or a sermon? Isaiah makes clear that when a ministry is full of the gospel of Jesus Christ it really is something very beautiful. 


Jesus, the Jewish Messiah

November 15, 2017

Westminster Seminary California's Biblical Studies conference welcomes Dr. Simon Gathercol. Dr. Gathercole's topic for this conference is, “Jesus in the Canonical and Apocryphal Gospels.” This is lecture two of a two lecture series.


The Cross and the Resurrection

November 14, 2017

Westminster Seminary California's Biblical Studies conference welcomes Dr. Simon Gathercol. Dr. Gathercole's topic for this conference is, “Jesus in the Canonica land Apocryphal Gospels.” This is lecture one of a two lecture series.
