Devotions and Lectures

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Abraham, Isaac and the Land

March 28, 2019

Abraham ensures that his son will be in the land but not of the land.


The Unchained Word

March 26, 2019

Though the Apostle Paul was in chains, the gospel was not. 


The Last Adam, Temptation, and Being Declared Righteous

March 21, 2019

We will explore Jesus’ obedience in the face of temptation. Too often this is overlooked as a major work of Christ but it provides some of the best news for us.


Christ, Through Faith Alone

March 14, 2019

In Genesis 15 the LORD came to Abraham to make to him three promises: to be his shield, to give him a Seed, and to be his Savior and Abraham received the substance of the covenant of grace, Christ, through faith alone and Christ’s righteousness was credited to him for righteousness.


Revelation 14:12

March 12, 2019

Graduating Senior Matthew Day gives the morning devotion from the book of Revelation.


A Foreigner Purchases Property in the Promised Land

March 7, 2019

Because he trusts God's promise for his descendants, Abraham claims a piece of property in the promised land. 


Plastic People in a Liquid World

March 7, 2019

The Rev. Dr. Carl R. Trueman delivers the third of three lectures for the 2019 Den Dulk Lectures on Pastoral Ministry.


Follow the Money

March 6, 2019

The Rev. Dr. Carl R. Trueman delivers the second of three lectures for the 2019 Den Dulk Lectures on Pastoral Ministry.


A Failed Experiment?

March 5, 2019

The Rev. Dr. Carl R. Trueman delivers the first of three lectures for the 2019 Den Dulk Lectures on Pastoral Ministry.
