Devotions and Lectures

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Creator Word

September 24, 2019

The Lord called into existence the things that do not exist, demonstrating his sovereign power through a simple, creative word. Christ’s ministry is nothing less than this. The outpouring of his divine authority is evident in what he accomplished and has promised for his new creation.  


The Tormented Disciples

September 17, 2019

Jesus sends his exhausted disciples into troubled waters, but he has a clear intention for them.


Comfort Grounded in God

September 12, 2019

Isaiah 40 not only contains God's call to comfort his people but also addresses the concerns of the people and the prophet in light of God's judgment.   


Eternal Word

September 10, 2019

John's gospel begins—not with Jesus' genealogy or public ministry—but with a prologue. 


President’s Chapel – Fall 2019

September 9, 2019

WSC President Joel Kim delivers the opening morning devotion for the 2019/20 school year. 
