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1 Thessalonians 2:7-12

September 23, 2005

The Apostle Paul uses three rich metaphors to describe his own ministry that provide for us models as we think of ministry in our own context.


1 Thessalonians 2:1-6

September 15, 2005

The Apostle Paul attempts to display before the Thessalonian church the value of his ministry.


How Paul is Dealing with the Law

July 15, 2005

An analysis of the complex ways that the Apostle Paul speaks of “The Law” in the New Testament.


Proclaimers or Persuaders?: A Friendly Critic Challenges the Church Growth Movement

May 24, 2005

An analysis of the church growth movement and the implications for our own philosophy of ministry and efforts in serving Christ and his church.


What Does It Mean To Be Loved By God?

July 15, 2004

Dr. John Piper sets forth the argument that  the center of the Reformed faith is the glory of God as supreme in the mind and the heart of God.


Commencement 2004

May 29, 2004

Central to the Apostle Paul's ministry is his laboring for the joy of other believers.


Covenant Theology: An Historiographical Briefing

March 18, 2004

An introduction to the trends and main contributions in the historiography of covenant theology from the middle of the nineteenth century.
