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1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1

February 12, 2009

In regards to meat sacrificed to idols, Paul is preeminently concerned with the motive of the heart.


Calvin’s Legacy (Q&A)

January 24, 2009

A panel of WSC faculty answer questions related to the legacy of John Calvin in the church and in the world.


Calvin: The Friendly Reformer

January 24, 2009

Calvin’s ideal of friendship informed the way he went about his business as a reformer.


Calvin and Preaching

January 24, 2009

The preached Word was central to the spiritual flourishing of the church of the reformation as well as the church as it exists today.


Calvin on Law and Gospel

January 24, 2009

Calvin clearly distinguished the Gospel itself from the marvelous benefits and vast effects it produced.


Calvin and the Reform of Worship

January 24, 2009

Calvin was passionate for the glory of God in worship, which had concrete implications for the life of the institutional church.


Calvin as Bible Interpreter

January 23, 2009

What leads us to honor Calvin as a biblical commentator half a millenium after his birth is the consistently superior quality of his comments.
