Morning Devotions Office Hours Podcast den Dulk Lectures Annual Conference
October 8, 2009
The only way to understand and appreciate Ecclesiastes is to do so in light of Jesus Christ who was wisdom made manifest.
October 6, 2009
The Son has been given His Father's words to give to His people, who are to receive and keep these words.
October 5, 2009
Michael Horton discusses his coming to the Reformed faith, what the gospel is, and about how the Christian life relates to the good news.
October 1, 2009
An analysis of the relationship between wisdom and the nature of sin and what can be done about it.
September 29, 2009
The priesthood is like gospel ministry in that it was a gift God gave His people which revealed the heart and nature of God toward them.
September 24, 2009
Wisdom must be sought from God, our heavenly Father, especially in times of trial and temptation.
September 22, 2009
Jesus is praying for his own glory and for the sake of the Father's glory in giving eternal life to the redeemed.
September 17, 2009
A redemptive historical analysis of the Christian's wise use of alcohol in Scripture.
September 15, 2009
The United States is one of the biggest mission fields in the entire world.