Devotions and Lectures

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James 1:12-15

October 1, 2009

An analysis of the relationship between wisdom and the nature of sin and what can be done about it.


Exodus 28:1; 29:1-9

September 29, 2009

The priesthood is like gospel ministry in that it was a gift God gave His people which revealed the heart and nature of God toward them.


Proverbs 26:4-5

September 10, 2009

Wisdom from God helps us to navigate the reality of His good gifts and warns us of the danger of using His gifts to excuse our sin.


Why Study at Westminster Seminary California?

September 8, 2009

Director of Enrollment Mark Macvey and a panel of WSC students discuss why they chose to study at WSC and discuss frequently asked questions from prospective students.


John 19:28-30, Colossians 1:21-23

September 8, 2009

The one upon the cross was the firstborn of all creation.
