Morning Devotions Office Hours Podcast den Dulk Lectures Annual Conference
February 11, 2010
Why and how the Christ-confessing covenant community gathers for public worship.
February 9, 2010
The Beatitudes present Jesus as the one who has come to bless.
February 8, 2010
John Fesko discusses his landmark book on the doctrine of justification.
February 1, 2010
Joel Kim discusses his life in Korea, growing up in two cultures, his work as a pastor, his research into the history of interpretation of Romans 7, and more.
January 26, 2010
R. Scott Clark discusses the series Classic Reformed Theology and particularly volume 2 of the series, An Exposition of the Apostles' Creed by Caspar Olevianus
January 18, 2010
Michael Horton discusses his book, The Gospel Driven Life: Being Good-News People in a Bad-News World.
January 16, 2010
A panel of WSC faculty answer questions related to the theme of Christ, Kingdom, and Culture.
Abraham Kuyper sought to answer the question, how does a Christian live in the modern world?
A study of the significance of Christ for our daily vocations in the world.