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Preaching the Doctrine of Regeneration

April 13, 2011

Dr. Hywel Jones talks about his essay entitled Preaching the Doctrine of Regeneration in a Christian Congregation. 


Herman Bavinck

April 7, 2011

Herman Bavinck's influence on Dr. John Bolt's understanding of himself, theological method, the content of good theology, and about the church.


What America Owes Jesus as Lord

April 7, 2011

A theological map toward honoring the Lordship of Christ over our nation while avoiding transformational triumphalism.


Haggai 2:1-9

March 25, 2011

The Israelites were disappointed with the rebuilidng of the temple in light of the Solomonic temple's former glory.


1 Peter 1:3-13

March 22, 2011

Real hope begins when we take our eyes off of ourselves and lift them to God.
