Where did you pursue your internship (location/church)?
Skyview Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Centennial, CO (Denver Metro Area)
What were your primary responsibilities (preaching, teaching, counseling, etc.)?
I was initially given very general internship tasks (i.e. weekly meetings with the senior pastor, sitting into session and diaconate meetings, participating in the life of the church, etc.)
After a few weeks, the responsibilities gradually increased until, eventually, I allowed more time in public ministry. I was tasked with performing liturgical sections in worship, leading a women’s Bible study in the Book of Revelation, and leading the Sunday evening “Praise & Prayer” group for the summer at which I was allowed to prepare my own liturgy, lead praise, and even preach every week!
How has your WSC education prepared you for the internship?
In so many more ways than I had ever imagined! I intuitively could recall information and certain lessons from classes like church history, systematics and, of course, practical theology as it pertained to whatever I was doing. I decided to preach a series on the ministry of Elijah for Sunday evenings which we had just thoroughly gone over in Historical Books last semester. Things that I thought I had forgotten came out as it was relevant and I could apply it right away. It was so useful and it truly boosted my confidence in the Word of God and my seminary education.
What did you learn from this internship that seminary couldn’t teach you?
I learned about the people of God, in both a general and specific way. Each person is so unique. They are beautifully and wonderfully made by our God. And though it is the Word of God unites us in Christ, each family, each couple, each individual is ministered to by it in a unique way. That is something that perhaps one can learn on an intellectual level in seminary but to truly understand it requires actually putting the time in to do life with these people.
Whether it’s preaching, teaching, or just talking with them, praying for them, helping them, serving them, whether it's visiting someone in the hospital or spraying the weeds in the church parking lot, our Father has created us in a way in which we learn from one another: things that are true, good, and beautiful according to His Word.
What would you say to future seminarians participating in internships?
Learn and serve, in that order. Always be teachable. If you ever get the feeling that you’ve got it all figured out, prepare to be humbled. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Do life with the people of God. If you are seriously pursuing ministry, He has entrusted those of us who are called to care for His bride until He returns. Learn to love the church as Christ loves the church.
It has been such a great privilege and pleasure to learn and serve at Skyview Presbyterian this summer. The Lord has blessed me in so more ways this summer than I could have even imagined through this God-fearing congregation. Lord-willing, I hope to return again next summer if they would have me!