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March 5, 2008

Pastoral ministry is a reflection of the ministry of Jesus Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King.

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Are Churches Secularizing America?

March 1, 2008

Evangelicalism, in practice, is losing its interest in God and the grand story of his saving work in Jesus Christ.

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Discipline in the Church: Revelation 2-3

March 1, 2008

In light of their OT prophetic background, the letters to the churches in Revelation are modeled as covenant lawsuits.

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The Prophets After Exile

February 1, 2008

An introduction to the post-exilic prophets Zechariah, Joel, and Malachi.

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Predestination and the Glory of God

February 1, 2008

We have been taught to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps, but Paul says we must find refuge in Jesus Christ.

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Marketing the Church

January 2, 2008

Covenant families are increasingly broken up according to the demographic niches that have been created and enforced by a culture of marketing.

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Encountering Islam: How Should Reformed Christians Respond to Islam?

January 1, 2008

The Reformed church has one duty toward our Muslim neighbors: to bring the gospel to bear upon their souls as we have the opportunity.

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The Exodus Motif in Isaiah

January 1, 2008

An explanation of how the Exodus theme is taken up and transformed in the prophet Isaiah.

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Two Ways of Denying God’s Law and One Way of Affirming It

January 1, 2008

Because we are recipients of the Gospel, we can no longer offer a witness from a position of moral superiority.

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