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A Tale of Two Kingdoms

September 1, 2008

As citizens of both kingdoms, we carry out our vocations in the church and the world in distinct ways through distinct means. 

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Why Read Fiction?

September 1, 2008

Novel-reading should be enjoyable, but also make us better readers of the Bible and more empathetic human beings.

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Is Bibliolatry Possible?

August 1, 2008

Is it bibliolatry to hold to a high view of Scripture or to attribute infallibility or other divine attributes to God's Word?

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The Splendor of the Three-in-One God

July 1, 2008

The doctrine of the Trinity is a stumbling block to vast numbers of people, but without it we are no longer Christians.

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The Sacraments as Visible Words

June 1, 2008

In Reformed theology, sacraments are not merely visible forms of God's invisible grace, they are rather signs and seals of the covenant of grace, thereby grounding them in God's historical dealings with his people.

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Who Needs Systematic Theology?

May 1, 2008

A system without parts and parts without a system are equally useless for Christian preaching, faith, and practice.

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The Canons of Dordt

April 1, 2008

The Canons of Dort provided much more than the famous acronym TULIP, they taught a pastoral doctrine of grace and provided a model for the stewardship of the Gospel.

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A Christian Anthropology for Contemporary Bioethics

April 1, 2008

Regarding bioethics, perhaps no doctrine is more important than anthropology. Having a biblically-grounded anthropology certainly does not guarantee an easy answer to every bioethical question, but it does provide necessary context for evaluating bioethics conundrums.

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